venerdì, febbraio 02, 2007,11:50
:::: ZAHAGOZA Expo 2008 ::::
Expo Zaragoza 2008 is an International Exposition regulated by the B.I.E., the French abbreviation for the International Expositions Bureau (Bureau International des Expositions).
The first international exposition took place in London in 1851. Since its success, numerous expositions have been held all over the world, including the Paris Exposition of 1889, which gave birth to the Eiffel Tower. As these events increased in number, a clear need arose to control their frequency. Thus, the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) was created in 1928.

The Bridge-Pavilion, one of the Expo’s main entrances, was designed by Zaha Hadid and is very stylised. It rests on the riverbanks and a central island in its waters. It has an organic shape that criss-crosses and resembles a gladiola opening and closing like a natural element. The bridge goes from side to side, on mounds descending gently toward the banks. The team that won the project defines the Bridge Pavilion as an object born of the natural conditions of the river and its banks.

It gives creates a new order for the landscape on the banks of the River Ebro, separating it from the lines of the buildings, providing a smooth transition between the city across ramps planted with gardens which comprise the transition

EXPO 2008 - Spaces and Exhibitions ///

EXPO 2008 - Ufficial Blog ///


posted by dag
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