domenica, agosto 27, 2006,20:20
::::Upcoming Event::::

The Gen(h)ome Project
October 29, 2006 - February 25, 2007

Opening Reception, Sunday, October 29, 6 pm – 8 pm
MAK Center - 835 North Kings Road - West Holliwood - c a l i f o r n i a 90069-5409
Innovations in the mapping of the human genome, in medical and biological research, and in the genetic modification of plant and animal life have created fertile territory for appropriation by the arts, architecture, and design. In the past, architectural and artistic objects have primarily imitated natural structures and forms. Now, however, the distinctions between object and subject, organic and inorganic matter, and artificial and virtual existence are becoming increasingly blurred. The Gen(H)ome Project addresses questions related to the paradigmatic shift occurring in the way artists, architects and designers reflect the natural sciences in general, and biology and genetics in particular. The exhibition presents works that involve cutting edge theoretical practice, innovations in fabrication design, and other contemporary trends by, among others, Greg Lynn, Marcos Novak, Ocean UK, and Servo. Organized by Open Source Architecture and Kimberli Meyer.


posted by dag
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